The Holiday season is the perfect time to gather the family around for one nice group photo. We wanted to share what we thought would make this as quick and easy, so you can get back to your festivities.
In addition to gathering your family together you do want to think about your lighting, and background. Your background can be as simple as bringing everyone outside for a nice winter setting or taking the time to decorate the inside of your house. For extra lighting you can use a flash on the hot shoe of your camera or use the flash off to the side as a full light for the darker areas.
A couple extras you might want to have on hand for the photo are a tripod for a nice crisp photo, wireless remote so you of course can be in the shot, a stool for the taller family members, and depending on how hard it is to get smiles you may want to check out our goofy lens monkey.

Holiday cards help us stay in touch with family and friends. So, capture those memories that will last a lifetime!
Happy Holidays from Schiller’s!